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IL-17 Effect on Behavior and Chronic Brain Injury


Christian Custodio is a student at

American Heritage School, Plantation


IL-17 Effects on Behavior and Chronic Brain Injury


This literature review addresses the question: How does the IL-17 cytokine family affect behavior and the development of chronic injury within an organism’s brain? This literature review will focus on using scientific literature that relates neurological disorders and the IL-17 cytokine to properly analyze it with relevant information.  Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, depression, and anxiety are growing issues with millions of people being affected. This literature review aims to discuss the causes of these disorders which stem primarily from the IL-17 cytokine. IL-17 can cause Multiple Sclerosis through the deterioration of the Brain Blood Barrier. The breaking down of this barrier allows immune cells within the body to attack the myelin sheaths of nerves. Once destroyed the cells attack the nerve connections which causes brain deterioration and impairment. The breakdown of the nerves within the brain can lead to dementia, mental disorders, and behavioral changes.

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